Welcome to the Paia Merchant’s Association website:
Our Purpose is to better the town of Paia. To serve as a unifying force for the merchants of Paia. Dedicated to preserving the rich historical and cultural tapestry of Hawaii. To foster collaboration and solidarity among businesses, thereby promoting economic growth and cultural enrichment within our community with the spirit of Aloha.
Paia Merchants Association
Join our Membership
Stronger More Effective Voice Together
Goal: Striving to serve as a unifying force for the merchants of Paia.
To give us collective power in achieving our common goals for Paia town:
• Address Parking/ Bypass issues in Paia town
• Safety
• Implementation Cleanliness, Trash receptacles
Sanitation, and Beautification
• Acquire Funds and Grants
• Promotion of Paia Town to generate business
• Town Events
We hope you will join us in our mission to foster collaboration and solidarity among businesses, thereby promoting economic growth in the spirit of Aloha preserving historical and cultural tapestry of Hawaii, at the same time as cultivating a strong and vibrant community in which our businesses can thrive.
To learn more about PMA membership benefits, eligibility, and more detailed information about our board, purpose, progress to date and yearly fees email us: info@paiamerchantsassociation.org